Galactic Empire Official Newsletter
Beginning with the first issue in July of 1998, the Galactic Empire Official Newsletter is released from the desk of Fleet Admiral Fel (and previously, Fleet Admiral Polanski, and originally, Grand Admiral Daemon)
on a periodic basis... This publication acts as a historical "status
report" of the Empire, with speeches given by a selection of high
ranking GE officers. Moreover, it also provides a vehicle by which GE
members may "publish" any original Imperial (or general) Star Wars related materials they have created.
The most highly encouraged submissions are GE/Imperial based graphics and fiction; however nearly any Star Wars related material qualifies, provided that it matches the following criteria:
Newsletter DownloadsAll issues of the Galactic Empire Official Newsletter are made available for download herein. The modern GE Newsletters are written in HTML, and readable in any Generation 4 web-browser; however MS Word 6.0/95 or better will be necessary to access the first several issues.