Fleet Admiral Fel has made an allowance that was almost unheard of during pre-Endor days, in that officers may display medals earned on their standard duty uniforms, in accordance with Grand Admiral Daemon's introduction of this policy. However, to maintain a uniformly militaristic appearance, he has set down the following conventions for uniform configurations, which must be strictly observed...
- Rank Indicator Plaques (RIPs) must be placed at the left breast.
- Order of the Empire [OE] awardees choosing to display the [OE] shall do so in full, centering it directly above the RIP.
- Medals other than the [OE] must be placed in rows at the right breast.
- Medals other than the [OE] must be represented by ribbons only.
(It is considered very crude to sport full medals while on regular duty.)
- Merit Medal ribbons must be placed highest, in descending order of importance, and in rows of no more than three.
- Service Medal ribbons must be placed directly below or after the Merit Medal ribbons in alphabetical order and rows of no more than three. (E.G.- MoC, MoT, MoX)
- Standard uniform size is 400x300, half of the full-size scale. While this is not strictly enforced on websites, all uniform images submitted officially (such as for the GE newsletter) should be this size unless specified otherwise.