Promotion Policies
In commanding officer handling of promotions, the following policies apply:
- Commanding officers possessing "promotion authority" make a promotion
through an e–mailed Promotion Notice. (Local divisional policies outline
to whom a Promotion Notice should be directed.) Said Promotion Notice shall
immediately put the promotion into effect on an acting basis, until
final approval is obtained or denied.
- In addition to any local policies, all of the following must be met
for a Promotion Notice to be deemed valid:
- The Promotion Notice must contain both the old and new ID–Lines of
the promoted officer.
- Officers may only promote others into positions that fall beneath their own
direct command.
- If a rank promotion necessitates placement into a certain position, an
officer may only make a promotion when there is an applicable vacancy on the
- To uphold the intentions & integrity of "promotion authority", commanding
officers that exercise a right to deny Promotion Notices must deem a just
cause, consistent with the factors governing promotions put forth in the
Imperial Charter.
- All promotions made within the Empire need be carbon–copied to the
Supreme Commander and ISB
General by the officer who grants final approval to the promotion.
Demotion Policies
In commanding officer handling of demotions, the following general policies
- Excluding an order of the Supreme Commander or a
sentence of the Emperor's Court, only
Division Commanders carry the authority to order demotion of officers within
their Divisions.
- At the discretion of the same, commanding officers not fulfilling their
basic responsibilities may be demoted to a lower rank. (Although it is highly
recommended to first issue appropriate warnings, and attempt to resolve a
solution more peaceable than forcible demotion with the lax commander.)
- Demotion for failure to fulfil basic responsibilities is intended as
a last resort solution for ranking officers that are "present but not
sufficiently active". In the unfortunate instance of a commanding officer going
entirely AWOL, a direct transfer to the Reserves is
the intended solution.
- All demotions made within the Empire need be carbon–copied to the
Supreme Commander and ISB
General by the officer ordering or otherwise granting final
approval to the demotion.