Uniform Descriptions
There are three standard Imperial-issue uniforms for all commissioned naval ranks... Each variety is considered "unisex", in that while uniforms will vary to conform to the sizes & shapes of their wearers, overall Imperial Navy uniform style remains the same regardless of an officer's species or gender.
Grand Admiral
The first variety -- the Grand Admiral's uniform – is the rarest, and restricted to officers of that rank. Since the departure of Grand Admiral Daemon, it has not been used.
- White tunic and trousers.
- Gold epaulets on shoulders.
- White cap. (optional, rarely worn)
- Black belt with silver buckle. (no utility boxes)
- Black boots.
- Rank Indicator Plaque (RIP) at left breast.
- No code cylinders in shoulder pockets.
- Optional medal display.
- Short–sleeved black gloves. (optional, rarely worn)
- Possible blaster holster. (Present under varied circumstances.)
Navy Officer
The second and most-common variety is the standard olive-grey duty uniform, worn by commissioned officers while on regular duty:
- Olive-grey tunic and trousers.
- Olive-grey cap. (Optional for Captain +)
- Black belt with silver buckle. (no utility boxes)
- Black boots.
- Rank Indicator Plaque (RIP) at left breast.
- Code cylinder(s) in shoulder pocket(s).
- Optional medal display. (See 'Conventions' at the Imperial Uniform Depot)
- Short–sleeved black gloves. (optional while shipboard)
- Possible blaster holster. (Present under varied circumstances.)
Imperial Starfighter Pilot
The last variety is the pilot flightsuit. Sensory-enhanced and environmentally-controlled, it is worn by officers while manning starfighters. This uniform finds its most consistent use in the "pilot ranks" (Ensign through Lieutenant):
- Black pressurized flight-suit. (Includes overalls, gloves and boots.)
- Black flight-helmet with white Imperial Emblems at sides.
- White Imperial emblems patched at shoulders.
Uniform Examples
Shown below is an example graphic of two naval uniforms...

NOTE: All components necessary for officers to construct their own uniforms, if available, are located at the Imperial Uniform Depot.