Transfer Requests
An officer possesses the right to modify his
primary platform at any time, provided any necessary training requirements are
met. Transfer requests resulting from a change of primary platform should, under
normal circumstances, be approved automatically.
Occasionally, however,
officers may request "leisure transfers" between units, for personal or other
non-functional reasons. It is each Division's task to formulate its own policy
of how internal transfers are requested & approved, and consequently, DivComs
hold final say in such requests.
It is often prudent to grant approval to such "leisure transfers" (to foster
morale & activity), however the Empire technically regards them as a
privilege and not a right. Units with critically low member rosters may have
outgoing transfers temporarily frozen until the unit can be brought out of
danger; although such freezes should be made judiciously...
In any case, it is a matter of courtesy that an officer's current & intended
commanding officers be polled for objections before such a transfer is granted
approval... The commanding officers cannot directly deny transfers to and
from their units, but any objections raised will be weighed as "recommendations"
by the reviewing DivCom.
Additionally, no "leisure transfer" request can be considered valid
without a stated reason... An officer's reasons for desiring a change of unit
may reveal internal issues that would otherwise go un-reported.
Finally, transfers between units cannot be conducted unless the officer in question has obtained, at miniumum, the Basic Combat Certification of the platform of the unit he wishes to transfer into (where applicable).
Transfers between entire Divisions are less common, but can be
performed by the Supreme Commander, who must be
notified of any such requests. To make such a transfer, the consent of your
current and future division commander must be sought.